Scientist Geoffrey Hinton, known as the "godfather of artificial intelligence," has warned that unless the use of artificial intelligence weapons is properly regulated, the world will face catastrophic consequences.
Testing a small version of the Russian "Lantsit" suicide drone.
The former Google engineer, who left the business last year,
compared the use of technology for military reasons to the proliferation of
chemical weapons, warning that "very bad things" would occur unless
the world community achieved a comprehensive accord similar to the Geneva
"The threat I talked about is an existential threat," Hinton stated
in an interview with RTE News on Tuesday, underlining that "this
technology will become smarter than us and will take over."
The computer scientist discussed the impact of artificial intelligence on
disinformation, human jobs, and future weaponry.
Hinton cautioned that combat robots are one of the hazards that will make it
easier for rich countries to conduct war on smaller and poorer countries.
It will be very bad, and I believe it will inevitably come."
He urged governments to put pressure on big tech companies,
especially in California, to conduct in-depth research into the safety of AI
“Instead of it being an afterthought, there should be government
incentives to ensure companies do a lot of work on safety,” Hinton added.
He also highlighted the enormous benefits that artificial
intelligence can bring to humanity, especially in the field of healthcare,
adding that he does not regret any of his contributions to this technology.
Many prominent figures in the technology industry have warned of
the potential risks posed by unregulated adoption of this technology.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and other
industry figures co-signed a letter last year calling for strict regulation of
the artificial intelligence sector.
Source: RT
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